Monday, 8 December 2014

A2G3: Progress Update 04/12/14


Today Isaac worked with Georgia in lesson (and later on his own in his frees) to finish the final edit of the last scene when Tristan wakes up. They got the scene edited and Isaac left Georgia to work on ordering the scenes and timing their connections. Isaac went on to work with Alex on his draft for the album cover, and also discussed Gwen's draft with her.


Georgia spent the lesson editing the final section with Isaac, and after he left she managed to order all of the scenes correctly and join the final section to the dream sequence. During this process she noticed two major problems which we will speak on in greater detail later on; namely the bedroom scene is too long for the space which we have to fit it in, and the computer is too laggy (even after saving, restarting, deleting the cache, leaving time for conforming and rendering) to edit effectively, the music keeps cutting out. This means that shaving away the seconds in the original shoot is extremely challenging.


Alex spent the lesson fine-tuning and improving the digipak mock-up using original images taken from both the shoot and subsequent efforts. The group has a variety of ideas as to how the album cover should look, and this branched approach to the cover means we have the greatest opportunities for discovering good combinations of photos etc.


Today Gwen started moving on to the next stage of the digipak, the advert. She took the image of Tristan in the viking hat (with the coloured body but black and white background) and added appropriate text to make it suitable for a half-page spread in a magazine, and the group are very happy with it.

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