Wednesday, 26 November 2014

A2G3: Progress Update 26/11/14


Georgia experimented with the time stretch tool, which allowed her to increase the speed at which the actor goes up the stairs. This makes the shot more energetic and emotional, as opposed to tired and nonplussed as it appeared before. This shot is actually on Alex's reshoot list, as Isaac felt that the framing could be improved (although it's worth noting that Isaac pre-framed the shot, tut tut!).


Isaac spent the lesson doing various blog tasks and one small portion of the editing. He reformatted several group and individual posts so that the blog appeared more neat and formulaic, as opposed to having multiple formats for each post.  He also made this progress report and fixed the previous one. Georgia attempted to make the transition between the two dream states shorter as she felt it was inappropriately long. However, when Alex and Isaac reviewed this, they felt it made the shot clunky and disjointed, when it was key that it appeared seamless. Isaac stepped in and re-cut the shot so that it was fluid, and added a transition that really gelled the two shots together.


Alex almost finished the storyboard this lesson, which means it can hopefully be finished for homework or early next lesson, and then Isaac/Alex can scan it in and make the animatic.

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