Thursday, 13 November 2014

IH: Post-production Update

Thursday the 13th of November

Georgia and I have been editing the footage from the first shoot and have now completed the kitchen scene. We also managed to create a rough cut of the outdoors footage which we originally intended to use as a model for when we reshoot on Saturday the 15th, in which we would perfect the shots and change the costumes. However, we recently came up with the idea where we would cut from the pirate scene to the Viking scene, but instead of using the inappropriate Viking footage, we would instead shoot a scene at night using a flaming torch and maybe a bonfire, and create a sense of loneliness, isolation and fear. This is of course far darker subject matter, but the visual possibilities of using fire and filming at night would definitely make it worth it.

We have also been considering changing the song in parts, for example cutting the song at the point where we change scene in the dream sequence and having a silent section, where Tristan would shout "Alex?!" etc. to enhance the idea of loneliness. We also think we will leave a silent section at the end of the video where Tristan wakes up in his room and leaves, i.e. the song would end with the dream sequence.

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