Lesson work on the 21st October
Today, we all discussed several more points and shot ideas, within the storyboarding process, this was useful as it allowed us to all contribute.
Georgia created a reflective post for the group on yesterday's lesson, as well as bringing up and putting forward shooting dates. Georgia set up the premier project for the animatic to go in.
Gwen, Alex and Isaac all worked together in order to create more storyboard frames and compile a shot list. There is still a lot of work to do towards the storyboard, so Alex and Isaac will meet up out of the lesson time in order to carry this on. We found there were some disagreements on shots, so either debated until one clearly made more sense, or compromised. In some cases we have decided to try out shots and then may or may not use them, depending on the overall collective aesthetic of the final product.
Each frame created for the storyboard was based mostly on establishing the mood for each scene, more than a coherent storyline. The frames were also thrown into Photoshop to bring out the pencilling. Some of the frames present were shots that we considered, then scrapped due to it not matching the finalised project.
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