Monday, 20 October 2014

GP: Pitch Contribution

    Inspirational Shots
    For this slide we needed to have inspirational shots which needed to be taken from different blog posts from each blog contributor. I suggested that we use the 'six inspirational shots' blog posts to take the shots from as each of use blog contributors have done this post; all of us would contribute to the pitch, plus, we had really good shot findings on these posts.

    Digipack Slide
    Alex and myself decided that we would research similar artists to Lorde and analyse their album covers; we can identify a trend & take inspiration whilst not differing too far from their style. We found artists such as Marina & The Diamonds, Lana Del Ray, Charlie XCX & Ladyhawke, & found that the lead singer was normally featured on the front cover as the main focus of the cover (& the fourth wall is normally broken with them staring straight at the camera lens). Being that the lead singers are on the cover & also part of the video/ narrative, this means that we could use an aspect of our narrative to put on our album cover also. Dark colours were also used a lot on these artists' colours which fits with out desired mood & narrative. I noted that we, like AS with films, should find recent artists to research to make our research more relevant. We also found on Lorde's covers that the lighting was quite high-key but was also harsh, white lighting which signified a dark mood.

    Key Findings

    I also contributed to the key findings with aspects of my music video analyses (I'm Not The Only One) & technical analysis put forward & added to the key findings. We found that certain camera effects such as shot distances (long-shot or close-ups) & shot angles (low & high angles) create different moods & effects.

  • Spoke on the digipack slide

  • Spoke on the audience research slide

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