Monday, 6 October 2014

IH: Six Inspirational Frames

This is how we imagine the inside of the boy's room to look; filled with lights and imagination and color with interactive toys, posters and energy. This is meant to sharply contrast the rest of the drab, grim house.

We are toying with the idea of using fire as being a symbol of destruction, although how this would fit into our video is still being decided. We find that not only the fire itself is visually appealing, but the glow it creates is also aesthetically appealing.

The mans expression and the cold lighting combined with the grey/blue colouring shows a hard Father who uses violence on his own family, which we thought would be important in our narrative.

 I've wanted to include a man striking a large drum in time with the music's sporadic beat for some time but we were unsure if it could be filmed in an interesting way, and here is evidence it can.

 While we don't have access to any horses, we do have Narnia-esque props and costume and we should attempt to include these into our story to create a sense of childish imagination and adventure.

 The abstract imagery in this shot combined with the unusal composition make for a striking image which we could possibly use to create effect in our video, perhaps to resemble the Father's guilt?


  1. I certainly do like the shots with the drum. This could be an interesting conceptual shot to use - how could you shoot this? Would it be abstract like the Woodkid Iron video in a studio, or as part of your location?

  2. If we were to find ourselves with a drum, there are plenty of big open fields around our location that we can use to show the drum section, and as such it would be included as part of the location (I'm thinking that it's integrated into the background somehow, or possibly someone that the protagonist interacts with). The only hazards I can think of by doing this is possibly rain and mud.

    I also think it's really important that we do not only highlight the interaction between the father and the protagonist. We'll risk it looking too much like one of last years Yr13's video, and I think we all can agree that exactly that one was not a very successful video.
