Monday, 20 October 2014

GW: Pitch Contibution

Having been in a different group during the main part of pitch preparation I had to contribute nearer the end of the process.

Research and Context

I added in ideas about shots and images used in other music videos similar to the genre. This is important as it demonstrates that certain ideas definitely work within this style of work, and allows us to link to the industry.
  • In terms of shots and character placements, I found that a LS will often make a character appear small and, therefore, vulnerable.
  • Close up shots are key to allow an older audience to relate to the child.
  • Rebellion is often projected onto teenagers, but giving them a back story through the juxtaposition of shots in editing e.g. going from an image of a teen stealing to one of his surroundings filled with dirt and anger provides an explanation.
I mainly looked at films that used quite cold blue and grey colours, to reflect either a simplicity or negative mood.

Ideological Discourse

This is a key part of the planning for a media video, as certain images hold social connotations and are culturally marked as negative or positive. The audience is highly likely to make their own links between images of ashtrays and people arguing, due to past experience and hegemonic ideology.

I spoke about ideology during the pitch.
  • the video is not going to challenge ideology, the child is still an innocent and is imaginative, the teenager rebels and the problematic family has somewhat problematic children.
  • It does challenge the idea of a teenager rebelling purely to rebel; The older brother takes money (could be for everyday things could be for illegal substances), but this is explained by the hopeless destitute situation he is locked in and the way it is assumed he grew up, thus providing reasons for empathy.
This representation is key result of our video and we do not want to accidently create alternative ideologies to these.

Costume and Props

I also spoke about costume and props, reviewing where the costume would come from (Clothing the family already own, basically) and discussing the meaning and ideas presented by the props, shows desolation in the first scene, then the toys create an opposition as they suggest fun and escape.

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