Wednesday, 22 October 2014

A2G3: Risk Assessment

Today we carried out a risk assessment of our location, looking at potential hazards and reducing risks. This is an important process as it allows us to plan out for as many eventualities as possible, and try to minimise the impact things could have on our work and on us.


What is the hazard?


Think about road safety, filming at night, potential damage to equipment

Who/what might be harmed and why?


Think about who needs to be aware of the risk

How will you reduce the risk?



What steps will you take to ensure that the risk is lowered?







Aga is hot




Sharp knives


Enclosed space

might cause equipment to overheat/ people to get hot


they can cut anyone who touches them



cast and crew could trip over equipment and get hurt

Stay away from it, and if overheating go outside etc


Avoid handling knives or going near them



Watch where we step








Thorny branches





The cast and crew, as they could come into contact with them.


Camera damage

Be aware



Take an umbrella or 4.












Camera damage



Cast and crew could slip and fall/ injure selves



Wear appropriate footwear and watch where we are treading & use a groundsheet to protect equipment/props
















Camera damage


Cast and crew could slip and fall/ injure selves



Anyone could fall in water and damage equipment


Wear appropriate footwear and watch where we are treading & use a groundsheet to protect equipment/props


We will try to keep away from the water’s edge








Toys (trip hazard)




Bees just outside by window




Cast and crew may fall or become overly distracted



Might get into the house… then could be an annoyance or sting somebody

Watch where you step and have time limits on how long you can handle toys for.


If they get in try to encourage them away and do not aggravate them.

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